Astrology Charts/Reports
Personalised Psychological Astrology Horoscopes
Learn more about yourself and the way you relate in the world with Personalised
Psychology Horoscope reports.
Tap into vast knowledge of Astrology through a range of Personalised
Horoscope/Astrology Reports.
These bound reports are generally 20 pages long.
• Natal Horoscope Report gives you an insight into your personality traits and
• Yearly Horoscope Analysis gives you a 12 month forecast month by month so you
can plan and organise your year.
• Long Term Horoscope (6 years) gives an overall account of the next 6 years on
how that will affect you on a personal level.
• Relationship Horoscope gives you an insight into the chemistry of how 2 people
in a 1 to 1 relationship see the relationship from their perspective.
• Child/Inner Child Horoscope is for children under 14 years of age and gives
you and teaches an insight on how that child sees the world including their
fears and insecurities. This report is also ideal for anybody over 14 years old
who is dealing with the inner child.
• Career and Vocation Horoscope gives an insight to what career or vocation your
personality is most suited to.
• 12 Months Transits Report this also gives you a 12 month forecast but on a
lighter note.
• Personal Horoscope Calendar is a personalised day to day forecast for 12
months a bit like a diary.
• A Range of Astro Text Reports we also sell these for all areas of your life,
too many to list, but similar to what is offered above at a cheaper price.
For more information about these reports go to brochures
To Order
Call now 0418 288 298